Amerikanske retsforhold set fra et praktisk orienteret europæisk perspektiv
Kursus for advokater, advokatfuldmægtige, virksomhedsjurister og andre med interesse for amerikanske retsforhold
Faller - Overview of the US court system, trial level and appeal level, in both federal and state courts
- Nightmare US litigation, where everything goes wrong
- Differences to expect between federal and state courts
- Differences between the laws of the various states
- Jury trials
- Summary judgment and motion practice as compared to full trials
Dehner - Strategic alliances and choices as to how a Danish company can enter the US market - Dehner
Faller - What does US litigation cost, optimistically and in a worst case scenario
- Statistics for high and low end litigation costs
- Tactical and strategic considerations of bringing a lawsuit as compared with being sued, including cost and other practical considerations, as well as differences in control of litigation factors
- US discovery procedures really raise the cost and place cost containment out of any easy control, when a case is actually in court
- Jury trials are more expensive than trials to the court
- Differences in litigation costs for products liability cases as compared to other litigation
- Patent cases are often the most expensive
Dehner - *Protecting the client's assets from the beginning in the way that you set up a U.S. operation, structure the corporation, choose locations and get legal advice
- Faller - *What can one effectively do to limit litigation costs, once litigation ensues?
- Insurance
- Contractual arbitration clauses (requiring arbitration)
- Voluntary arbitration or mediation
- Choosing the venue, if you are bringing the suit
- Choosing the right attorney
Dehner - The Infrastructure of a US Contract (E.g., typical contract sections, terms and basics)
Faller - Highlights of US Products Liability and Intellectual Property Law, and Advertising, where the two intersect
- How you best protect your client's internet domains, trademarks, designs, copyright and inventions in the U.S.
- What can be done in case of infringement, if the client is the infringer, perhaps unknowingly so
- What can be done in case of infringement, if the client's rights are infringed
- Products Liability verdicts
- Theories of liability: improper design, manufacturing defects, failure to warn
- Strict liability
- Breach of warranty
- Strange warnings and stranger scenarios – Truth is stranger than fiction
21. september 2012 | |
kl. 9,00 - 16,00 | |
Hotel Opus, , 0 | |
7 lektioner |
Kr. 900,- excl. moms.
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